Home Installing the Bosh director on VMware vSphere.

Installing the Bosh director on VMware vSphere.


Here is the second of four videos explaining how to install bosh on several different IAAS platforms.

The first video showing you how to install bosh on virtualbox can be found here

Video two – Installing Cloud Foundry Bosh on vSphere.

In this video I explain how to install the bosh director on VMware vSphere.

I have vSphere 6.5 setup on my home lab, you wont need a lot of compute power to be able to run this demo, if you have some old hardware laying around im sure you can get this to work.

All the commands I run and the links I use are collected in this gist

Thanks for having a read, and if you have questions or comments, reach out to me using one of the social media links provided.

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